Let's get digital: everything you need to know about our new digital locks
At Blue-bike, we are constantly evolving to optimize our service. Thanks to the introduction of our digital locks and accompanying Blue-bike app, we can now offer e-bikes, and new ride and fare packages. Borrowing via the key machine is still possible at a number of locations, but it will eventually disappear from the field. With the exception of Bruges Station and Brussels Central, you can currently borrow a bike via the Blue-bike app at any Blue-bike location.
Benefits of the digital locks
- No waiting at the key machine – Start your ride immediately via the app, without queuing at the key machine.
- Choose the bike you want – No time wasted looking for your bike, or adjusting the saddle height: choose the bike you want
- No need for physical cards and key -Forgotten card at home? Big feet bumping into the bike key while pedaling? No pocket to store the key? Gone with the digital locks.
- New possibilities – Without the digital locks, no e-bikes, back-to-many zones, short ride fare, promotions…
Why is the key dispenser being shut down?
Blue-bike has gone the digital route. We are converting our entire fleet to bikes with digital locks, which you can rent via the Blue-bike app. In this way, we are making our service even more flexible and user-friendly. This new technology offers several advantages:
- More flexibility: At many locations, we are introducing “back-to-many” zones, where your ride can end at any location belonging to the same zone at no additional cost.
- Better availability: In the event of a key machine malfunction, an entire location could be temporarily unavailable. That’s a thing of the past with digital locks.
- Start cycling right away: Through the app, you can immediately borrow a bike after registering. No need to wait until you receive your membership card through the mail.
When is the key dispenser being shut down?
The phasing out of the key dispenser proceeds in several steps. On this page you will find an overview per location. We use the following logic:
- New locations will be provided with bikes with digital locks and borrowed via the app;
- Existing locations are gradually provided with bikes with digital locks. We systematically increase the number of bikes with digital locks and eventually remove the key machine from service;
- All e-bikes are equipped with digital lock and you can only borrow via the app;
- Locations belonging to a back-to-many zone are exclusively equipped with bikes with digital locks. This is the case in Geel, Leuven (e-bikes), Mechelen and Transport Region Ghent.
Go for a smooth ride with these tips
Make sure your smartphone has enough battery and an internet connection to pause or end your ride in the app.
Login to the app using the same credentials as for your My Blue-bike environment. Don’t remember your password? Then you can request a new password.
Always pause and end a ride via the app. When pausing your ride via the app, we temporarily save your most recent location and know that the lock was closed at that location. This is important if your bike is stolen and you want to report it. You also end a ride via the app. Otherwise your ride is still running and the bike is not available to the next user. Still in doubt whether your ride was properly terminated? Check in the app if your ride appears under “My rides”.
Go for a smooth ride with our app
Download the new Blue-bike app via the buttons below and get moving with the new digital locks!