
Let's get digital: everything you need to know about our new digital locks

At Blue-bike, we are constantly evolving to optimize our service. Our new digital locks are the latest showpiece to deliver on that promise. In one week, we replaced our bikes with smart locks with brand new ones with digital locks at no less than 41 locations. Nothing changes in the way the key distributor works. Our users are also enthusiastic about the accompanying app.

After all, your time as a commuter is precious. With the rollout of our digital locks and accompanying app, we ensure that your bike ride seamlessly connects with your train, bus or car ride. No more waiting at the key distributor, no more searching for bike numbers in a long line. We put you in control of your bike ride through our brand new app. All you have to do is download the app. But what specifically does this mean for you as a Blue-biker?

No waiting queue, no hassle 

With our digital locks, you choose which bike to use via the app. This means you can skip the key distributor and start your trip right away. No delays, just cycling fun.

Do you have any questions, comments or suggestions? Please feel free to contact us at We are always ready to listen to your feedback and hope you fully enjoy our new digital locks on your next trip!

Always a bike at hand with our new app

These new locks include a new app. You use it to start, pause or end your ride and to add vouchers to your account. You will also find a handy overview of all your rides. Rides made using the key distributor also appear in the overview.

Pause and end your ride with the app

With the app, you pause and end a ride quickly and easily. Thanks to a Bluetooth connection, everything is at your fingertips. You no longer need physical cards to rent a bike with a digital lock. From now on, all you need for these bikes is a smartphone with Internet and Bluetooth connection. The key machine will still work with the physical member or MoBIB card. On the location page you can see which lock is used where.

Go for a smooth ride with these 3 golden tips 

  1. Make sure your smartphone has enough battery and internet connection to pause or end your ride in the app.
  2. Always pause and end a ride through the app. When pausing your ride via the app, we store your most recent location and know that the lock was closed correctly at that location. This is important if your bike is stolen and you want to report it. You also end a ride via the app. Otherwise your ride will keep rolling and the bike will not be available to the next user.
  3. Check if your ride appears under “My rides” in the app. That way you can be sure you have ended your ride correctly.

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